Historical:Gentry Coal Bed

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Handbook of Illinois Stratigraphy
Series Bulletin 95
Author H. B. Willman, Elwood Atherton, T. C. Buschbach, Charles Collinson, John C. Frye, M. E. Hopkins, Jerry A. Lineback, Jack A. Simon
Date 1975
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Lithostratigraphy: Raccoon Creek Group >>Caseyville Formation >>Gentry Coal Bed
Chronostratigraphy: Paleozoic Erathem >>Pennsylvanian Subsystem >>Morrowan Series
Allostratigraphy: Absaroka Sequence


M. E. Hopkins and J. A. Simon

Name Origin

The Gentry Coal Member of the Caseyville Formation (Kosanke et al., 1960, p. 29) is named for Gentry Landing, Hardin County.

Type Section

The type locality consists of exposures near Gentry Landing (SW 26, 11S-10E).

Other Names

It previously was called the Battery Rock Coal (Owen, 1856, No. 1 vertical section).

Stratigraphic Position

Its exact relation to the Sellers Limestone has not been established, although field relations suggest that the Gentry is slightly above the Sellers.


The Gentry Coal has been identified as a thin coal in several scattered localities in southeastern Illinois but is apparently not persistent. It was mined more than 100 years ago in small mines near the settlement of Lamb in Hardin County. It is underlain by a thin underclay, which overlies a thick, gray, silty shale that is equivalent to part of the Drury Shale. It is overlain by a shale that also is equivalent to part of the Drury Shale.


KOSANKE, R. M., J. A. SIMON, H. R. WANLESS, and H. B. WILLMAN, 1960, Classification of the Pennsylvanian strata of Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey Report of Investigations 214, 84 p.
OWEN, D. D., 1856, Report of the geological survey in Kentucky made during the years 1854 and 1855: Kentucky Geological Survey Bulletin, v. I, Series 1, 416 p.

ISGS Codes

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