Brandon Bridge Member
Lithostratigraphy: Hunton Limestone Megagroup >>Joliet Formation >>Brandon Bridge Member
Chronostratigraphy: Paleozoic Erathem >>Silurian System >>Niagaran Series
Allostratigraphy: Tippecanoe Sequence
Primary source
Willman, H. B., Elwood Atherton, T. C. Buschbach, Charles Collinson, John C. Frye, M. E. Hopkins, Jerry A. Lineback, and Jack A. Simon, 1975, Handbook of Illinois Stratigraphy: Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 95, 261 p.
Contributing author(s)
H. B. Willman and Elwood Atherton
Original description
The Brandon Bridge Member of the Joliet Formation (Willman, 1973, p. 20).
Named for Brandon Bridge over the Des Plaines River on the southwest side of Joliet, Will County.
Other names
Type section
Type location
The type section of the Brandon Bridge Member is in the Lincoln Stone Company quarry southwest of the bridge (S½ SE 20 and N½ NE 29, 35N-10E).
Type author(s)
Type status
Reference section
Reference location
Reference author(s)
Reference status
Stratigraphic relationships
The Brandon Bridge Member of the Joliet Formation (Willman, 1973, p. 20) is the basal member.
Extent and thickness
The Brandon Bridge Member is 29 feet thick at the type locality, but thins southward and is only 10.5 feet thick where exposed along the Kankakee River east of the Warner Bridge in Kankakee County (NW SE SW 31, 12N-11E).
In the Joliet area the Brandon Bridge Member is differentiated into two parts by a bed of green to black shale as much as a foot thick, but generally only an inch or two thick. The lower part is the more shaly and contains beds of red crinoidal dolomite interbedded with very argillaceous gray and red dolomite. The upper part is less shaly and most of ii is gray, mottled with red and green. The top is placed at the highest strong shaly parting.
Well log characteristics
The abundance of arenaceous Foraminifera in the member has been noted, and Bumastus (fig. S-12) is locally present, particularly in the middle shale.
Age and correlation
Environments of deposition
Economic importance
WILLMAN, H. B., 1973, Rock stratigraphy of the Silurian System in northeastern and northwestern Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 479, 55 p.
ISGS Codes
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