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Map of the Illinois Basin showing the extent of Pennsylvanian rocks, thickness of the Springfield Coal, and channels interrupting the coal. From Finley et al. (2005)'"`UNIQ--ref-00000001-QINU`"'. Straight lines separating polygons are artifacts of mapping protocol in original. +
Correlation chart showing the positions of key units within the Pennsylvanian Subsystem. Global and provincial stage boundaries and ages in millions of years (Ma) are after Gradstein et al. (2012)'"`UNIQ--ref-00000001-QINU`"'. +
Satellite image of the mouth of the Mississippi River showing natural levees and crevasse splays. Fron Earthstar Geographic SIO, © 2020. +
Diagram showing units between the Houchin Creek and Herrin Coals, including members newly named in this report. +
Wireline log illustrating the typical response of key units. (a) Electric log of Carter Oil No. 1 Beers well in sec. 28, T8S, R4E, Williamson County, Illinois (county no. 2107). B, Brereton Limestone; H, Herrin Coal; Sp, Springfield Coal; Han, Hanover Limestone; HC, Houchin Creek Coal; SV, Survant Coal; MQ, Mecca Quarry Shale; C, Colchester Coal. (b) Gamma-ray–resistivity log of Peabody Natural Gas No. 2 Short, in sec. 14, T7S, R7E, Hamilton County (county no. 25375). +
Wireline log illustrating the typical response of key units. (a) Electric log of Carter Oil No. 1 Beers well in sec. 28, T8S, R4E, Williamson County, Illinois (county no. 2107). B, Brereton Limestone; H, Herrin Coal; Sp, Springfield Coal; Han, Hanover Limestone; HC, Houchin Creek Coal; SV, Survant Coal; MQ, Mecca Quarry Shale; C, Colchester Coal. (b) Gamma-ray–resistivity log of Peabody Natural Gas No. 2 Short, in sec. 14, T7S, R7E, Hamilton County (county no. 25375). +
Graphic logs from cores serving as type sections of the newly named members: (a) Energy Plus borehole no. ME-13 in sec. 31, T4S, R6E, type section of the Delafield Member. (b) Kerr-McGee borehole no. 7629-16 in sec. 29, T7S, R6E, Saline County, type section of the Galatia Member. +
Isopach map of the Delafield Member. After Wanless et al. (1970)'"`UNIQ--ref-00000001-QINU`"'. Thicknesses are in feet. +
Map from Potter (1962)'"`UNIQ--ref-00000006-QINU`"', showing the thickness (in feet) of sandstone between the Houchin Creek and Springfield Coals, with the Galatia channel (from Hopkins 1968'"`UNIQ--ref-00000007-QINU`"') superimposed. +
Photograph showing underclay of the Springfield Coal at American Coal’s Galatia Mine, Saline County, Illinois. Field of view approximately 5 ft (1.5 m) square. +
Map showing the thickness and mined areas of the Springfield Coal throughout Illinois. After Treworgy et al. (1999)'"`UNIQ--ref-00000001-QINU`"'. Straight lines separating polygons are artifacts of mapping protocol in original. +
Photographs showing thinly interlaminated shale and dull to bright coal along margins of the Galatia channel at the Prosperity Mine in Gibson County, Indiana. The lower frame is a closer view of the upper. The ruler is graduated in 0.1-ft intervals. +
Cross section of Galatia channel in American Coal’s Galatia Mine in Saline County, Illinois, based on core drilling and observations in mine. +
Photographs showing the ragged, erosive contact between the light-colored siltstone of the Dykersburg Member and the underlying coaly shale of the Galatia Member in the channel crossing at the Galatia Mine, Saline County, Illinois. (a) View of the east wall of the entry. Coaly shale of the Galatia Member grades laterally northward (left, out of view) to shaly Springfield Coal. The pick is approximately 2 ft (60 cm) long. (b) Close-up view on the west wall of the entry. The heart of the Galatia channel is south (left) of view. Notice how erosion undercut the clay below layers of tough, fibrous peat. +
Map showing the thickness of the Dykersburg Member in the vicinity of Galatia channel in southeastern Illinois. From Treworgy et al. (1999)'"`UNIQ--ref-00000001-QINU`"'. +
Photograph showing rhythmic lamination in sandy facies of the Dykersburg Member in American Coal’s Millennium Mine, Saline County, Illinois. Enlarged view at right. Reprinted from Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 487, p. 74, W.A. DiMichele, S.D. Elrick, and W.J. Nelson, Vegetational zonation in a swamp forest, Middle Pennsylvanian, Illinois Basin, U.S.A., indicates niche differentiation in a wetland plant community. Copyright 2017, with permission from Elsevier. +
Photograph showing rhythmic lamination in sandy facies of the Dykersburg Member in the Millennium Mine, with lamination offlapping the top of the coal. Sediment thus was deposited in a wedge, prograding from left to right. +
Photographs showing large, well-preserved fronds of fossil plant foliage (Laevenopteris?) in the Dykersburg Member at Millennium Mine, Saline County, Illinois. +
Photograph of an upright tree stump, rooted at the top of the coal and encased in mudstone of the Dykersburg Member, at American Coal’s Galatia Mine in Saline County, Illinois. +
Photograph of “rolls” at the top of the Springfield Coal, filled with Dykersburg sediments, at American Coal’s Millennium Mine in Saline County, Illinois. Ragged splaying of coal layers at the margins of rolls evokes fibrous peat layers ripped out by strong currents. +