Finnie Sandstone Member
Lithostratigraphy: McCormick Group >>Abbott Formation >>Finnie Sandstone Member
Chronostratigraphy: Paleozoic Erathem >>Pennsylvanian Subsystem >>Atokan Series
Allostratigraphy: Absaroka Sequence
Primary source
Willman, H. B., Elwood Atherton, T. C. Buschbach, Charles Collinson, John C. Frye, M. E. Hopkins, Jerry A. Lineback, and Jack A. Simon, 1975, Handbook of Illinois Stratigraphy: Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 95, 261 p.
Contributing author(s)
M. E. Hopkins and J. A. Simon
Original description
The Finnie Sandstone Member of the Abbott Formation (Owen, 1856, No. 1 vertical section).
Named for Finnie Bluff at the type locality.
Other names
"Finnie" was adopted in Illinois to replace "Delwood Sandstone" (Kosanke et al., 1960, p. 31).
Type section
Type location
The type section is "along road for less than 2 miles north of Mulfordtown, Union County, Kentucky" (Glenn, 1912, p. 14).
Type author(s)
Type status
Reference section
Reference location
Reference author(s)
Reference status
Stratigraphic relationships
Extent and thickness
The Finnie is widespread throughout much of southern Illinois east of the Du Quoin Monocline. Its bedding varies widely, as does its thickness (up to 60-70 feet).
It is similar in appearance to other sandstones in the Abbott Formation and in a few localities contains scattered marine fossils. The distribution of the Finnie in the deeper part of the Illinois Basin has not been determined.
Well log characteristics
Age and correlation
Environments of deposition
Economic importance
GLENN, L. C., 1912, A geological reconnaissance of the Tradewater River region, with special reference to the coal beds: Kentucky Geological Survey Bulletin 17, 75 p.
KOSANKE, R. M., J. A. SIMON, H. R. WANLESS, and H. B. WILLMAN, 1960, Classification of the Pennsylvanian strata of Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey Report of Investigations 214, 84 p.
OWEN, D. D., 1856, Report of the geological survey in Kentucky made during the years 1854 and 1855: Kentucky Geological Survey Bulletin, v. I, Series 1, 416 p.
ISGS Codes
Stratigraphic Code | Geo Unit Designation |