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Derby-Doerun Member

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Lithostratigraphy: Knox Dolomite Megagroup >>Franconia Formation >>Derby-Doerun Member
Chronostratigraphy: Paleozoic Erathem >>Cambrian System >>Croixan Series >>Franconian Stage
Allostratigraphy: Sauk Sequence

Primary source

Willman, H. B., Elwood Atherton, T. C. Buschbach, Charles Collinson, John C. Frye, M. E. Hopkins, Jerry A. Lineback, and Jack A. Simon, 1975, Handbook of Illinois Stratigraphy: Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 95, 261 p.

Contributing author(s)

T. C. Buschbach


Original description


The Derby and the overlying Doerun were named separately for exposures in the vicinity of mines operated by the Derby Lead Company and the Doerun Lead Company near Elvins, St. Francois County, Missouri. Their similar lithology and a conformable relationship resulted in their being combined as a formation with a hyphened name (Hayes and Knight, 1961).

Other names


Type section

Type location

Type author(s)

Type status

Reference section

Reference location

Reference author(s)

Reference status

Stratigraphic relationships

The Derby-Doerun Member of the Franconia Formation (Buckley, 1907; 1909, p. 44) overlies the Davis Member in central and southern Illinois. It is included in the Knox Dolomite Megagroup.

Extent and thickness

The Derby-Doerun Member of the Franconia Formation underlies all of Illinois and is about 20 feet thick in the north and it thickens to probably more than 500 feet in the southeast.


In north-central Illinois the Derby-Doerun is silty argillaceous dolomite-- it is the upper part of the Franconia where the lower part of the Franconia is fine-grained glauconitic sandstone. Farther south it becomes quite pure, except for a thin zone at the top that is slightly sandy, argillaceous, and glauconitic.




Well log characteristics


Age and correlation

Environments of deposition

Economic importance



BUCKLEY, E. R., 1907, Missouri Bureau of Geology and Mines, 2nd Series, v. 10, separate.
BUCKLEY, E. R., 1909, Geology of the disseminated lead deposits of St. Francois and Washington Counties: Missouri Bureau of Geology and Mines, 2nd Series, v. 9, part 1, 259 p.
HAYES, W. C., and R. D. KNIGHT, 1961, Cambrian System, in Stratigraphic succession in Missouri: Missouri Geological Survey, v. 40, p. 14-20.

ISGS Codes

Stratigraphic Code Geo Unit Designation
Cambrian symbol.pngdd